23 February 2006

Dangerous Destinations

Forbes Magazine has just published its list of the most dangerous destinations to travel to in the world - if you're American that is.

Unsurprisingly, there are more than a few places listed that have had “intervention” by countries who vow to go in and save them, and then leave again, once they got what they wanted – mostly assets in the form of natural resources.

Sad to see so many African nations on the list – corruption and civil wars make some of this region like hell on earth. Of course, Iraq and Afghanistan are there - as well as Pakistan.

Click here to see the list – it’s a slide show, so I hope that the link lasts a while.

It makes me happy that we’re currently in Jordan.

We’ll be back with another tale to tell, and more pics, next week!


grapeshisha said...

Are you doing an indiana jones through Petra?

nzm said...

Yeah - watching out for rolling rocks and arks!

Doing Petra tomorrow - can't wait to see it!

grapeshisha said...

It is a great day, and if you have the muscle hike up to the Monsatery at the top, only for the view down. I assume you'll be doing the Dead Sea after wards, which cured me of a number of issued that I had. Ridiculous. Our trip, 6 months ago was an eye opener. So many biblical references. So much history. Such an under rated country. Although, there were many Germans and French there, which is an indication that it will take off big time in the next 3 years. They always seem to get there first! Enjoy the rest of your trip - Im envious!

nzm said...

Did it in reverse, in the end - we just drove where the car wanted to go!

Went to Madaba, Mt Nebo and then swam in the Dead Sea, and then Petra on Saturday.

I know what you mean by the biblical references - all my Sunday School lessons came flooding back! On Mt. Nebo, I could not stop crying, and really don't know why.

Petra is incredible. We hiked all the way up to the Sacrifice area with a spectacular view of the valley. J also did the Monastery, but I chose not to - my fitness is not as good as hers.

More later when I post about it!