7 October 2008

Chapter 17: Vistas and Moods of Hesteyrarfjörður

Continued from Chapter 16

Although we had missed the 2 months of midnight sun where it never got darker than in my first image below, we still had some long days before the gloom would set in about midnight.

It was very strange being able to see out at all times. We often watched the Arctic Foxes moving about the houses in search of food. They looked like little black ghosts flitting in and out of the bushes. These animals are remarkable: their coats are totally dark, almost black in summer, and turn snow white to camouflage them in the snow during wintertime.

Even though the sun would dip below the horizon with the earth's rotation, I could still track its whereabouts from the brighter patch in the sky as the earth revolved around to start another day.

Over the 8 days in which we were in Hesteyri, we saw many different moods of the Hesteyrarfjörður depending on the weather and time of day.

Map_of_Hesteyri_fjord_areaThe purple oval marks the area of the Hesteyrarfjörður

I took lots of images of the fjörd and surrounding area - some of which I'll share with you in this post.

Click on images to enlarge

End_of_the_fjordTaken at about 6pm when the light would get very vivid when there was no cloud cover

Cloud_over_the_mountainsAt 11pm one night, fog started to drape itself over the neighbouring mountains. It didn't get further down than this as the light breeze blew it back from where it came.

Hesteyrarfjörður_Sunset01We didn't have a midnight sun, but we did have a midnight sunset!

Hesteyrarfjörður_Sunset02The landscape looked this gloomy all through the night. It was still possible to see quite some distance.

Hesteyrarfjörður011Looking towards the end of the fjörd at about 5pm on a brilliant day

Hesteyrarfjörður012Looking towards the mouth of the Jökulfirdir into the main fjðrd - the Isafjarðardjúp

Hesteyrarfjörður013The fjðrd continued around the corner of the left promontory

Hesteyrarfjörður014Taken from the Hesteyri jetty

Hesteyrarfjörður015Low tide revealed brown seaweed and kelp

Hesteyrarfjörður005The threat of rain

Hesteyrarfjörður006It also rained in the Isafjarðardjúp

Hesteyrarfjörður007I got a little wet from the rain while taking this, but it didn't fall for long

Hesteyrarfjörður008A more cloudy day made for a more dramatic, somber image

Hesteyrarfjörður010Everything looked happier when the sun shone through

I never tired of looking at the scenery - although I did long for some of the light quality that is found around sunset and sunrise at other times of the year. I'll have to go back to Iceland in another season, I guess!

Next Chapter: Our 2nd hike up the mountains