There hasn’t been much time to play or to take photos, and it’s cold – although not as cold as we expected.
Yesterday we spent the day in Denver, Colorado to meet with a partner. Denver looks to be an interesting city and M would like to spend more time there. We felt like aliens on another planet – flying from SF to Denver to arrive at 9:30 at night; sleeping; spending most of the next day ensconced in a board

Ironic observation: when eating, most Americans cut up their food, then abandon their knives and transfer their forks to their right hands to eat. They have more in common with Muslims than they think! We wonder how this American way of eating came to be.
We leave SF tonight – M back to Dubai and J to our head office in Berlin for a few days. The images are from various trips here over the past 15 months. There are 2 that have been taken on this trip - the early morning views of the streets from the hotel window.
UPDATE: Upon reading my above ponderings on the American eating etiquette, one of our blog fans in the USA emailed me with a link to an article that explains a theory. (How big a fan is he? He has our blog listed in his RSS feeder so that he's instantly notified of any updates!) Unfortunately, the link he provided isn't available to unregistered readers of the Chicago Tribune, although I could access it in the US but not in the UAE. So I went hunting (googling, actually) for a new link. I found 2 links to share - one factual - Cut and Switch, and the other is a humourous quiz - Don't Gross out the World.
Enjoy - and thanks Mike for emailing the link!

NZM. You two seem to be having so much fun even with the erratic crazy hours.
I loved that link. (Dont gross out the world). I got 2 wrong. Not bad tho!
Thanks Kaya!
yes, we do have fun because we make it that way.
In between the hard work, we play hard too!
Have placed a link to your blog on ours - hope you don't mind. Please email me on nzm_uae(at)hotmail.com if you wish me to remove it.
Kaya - I got 2 wrong too! :-)
OMG 6/11
I better not travel the world...I might insult some people. My kids will do well in CAnada though!!
I love reading about your adventures. I think that from a lot of the blogs that I have read, yours seems to have a lovely flow to it...no arrogance or hatred at all. It will be a book.
Thanks for the acknowledgement, CG.
It's great that my lack of arrogance and hatred flows into my writing.
I'm not being egotistical when I say that about myself - because I choose to not be arrogant or have hate - they are very strong and negative characteristics, and I don't want them as part of my life.
Sure, there are times when I don't like something, but it's only a temporary thing - and not worth getting upset about, or venting it in our blog. If I can't deal with it and get over it, then that's my problem!
That's not to say that I don't have opinions - because I do.
I have a mantra - it's "Live and let live. Respect and celebrate other people's differences, because that's what makes them interesting. Do what is right according to what my heart, mind and soul agree upon. Listen to my inner God."
So far, I think that it's working for me! :-)
This is my first time to see your blog. Such beautiful pictures! If you like, there's a way to remove the frame around photos which are otherwise shown with shadows. At the end of the line just before src="... you add border:none; This will leave your pics shadowed but borderless--again, if you like that.
BTW, I really share your sentiment about treating the exciting new Dubai as home... mnikrgj
Regarding the fork eating discussion, I'm American and I have recently begun to feel either embarrassed or stupid doing the cut and switch. It seems so inefficient. I used to live in Japan and I think there is no more sensible, clean and efficient way to eat than with chopsticks. ...yrxbekcw
Thank BD - yes was aware that you can remove the frame, but I add my own frame anyway, so it doesn't bother me!
Japan is a place that we often travel to on business. Chopsticks are a great way to eat, but when we've seen Japanese use knives and forks, it's always in the "English" way - knife in right, fork in left.
The thing that I noticed about the cut and switch is that it seems so awkward! I've also seen some guys hold their forks as if they're going to stab their food! But there's no need to be embarrassed about it, it's just a cultural thing!
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